Submit your amaizing source code with our community.
Before you submit your project source code, you have to be a registered member to share it to our community your self or send to us through the email in our contact page.
Project Codes
When you submit source code, you're submitting a blueprint for someone else to build on. Make sure your code is easy to read and understand, and organized logically.
Keep your code concise. Use descriptive variable and function names, and keep your code organized into clearly named modules.
Use comments liberally to explain your code, and to provide context for code that's shared between different files.
Separate your code into logical sections, and use named constants and variables to keep your code concise and easy to read.
Format your code using a consistent style, and use appropriate standards for coding conventions (e.g. use four spaces for indent).
Project Article Format
(required *)
- Heading *
- About the project. *
- Features of the project. *
- Project details or script includes(i.e html, php). *
- Requirements.
- How to run the script (for projects) *
- Screenshots (at least 1) *
- Video demo