How to create a website like Facebook with source code In php and mysql

Do you want a free ultimate social networking platform like facebook with website source code in PHP and Mysql. Follow the steps below, or watch video. We need a localhost server to do this. i.e Xamp.

How to create a website like Facebook with source code In php and mysql
Alpha code camp - ultimate social networking platform like facebook screenshot

Project: How to create an ultimate social networking platform like facebook using PHP and Mysql with source code. 

Table of content

  1. About the ultimate social networking platform like facebook using php and My sql
  2. Features of the ultimate social networking platform like facebook using php and My sql
  3. Requirement
  4. Step by step to run the script
  5. Screenshots
  6. Video tutorial (DEMO)

About the ultimate social networking platform like facebook using php and Mysql

The Project The Ultimate social networking platform like facebook is a php social network script (CMS) just like facebook. It is a complete social network script that have many features that will enable you create your own social network website. It is a very fast, lightweight and high performance platform. It has high quality design and easy to modify. Wowonder is a secure, fast and the best by to create/ start your own website. This script will be regularly updated.

Features of the ultimate social networking platform like facebook using php and My sql

Admin Panel

This script comes with a very powerful and amazing admin panel which helps you monitor your website activities, change themes, and configure your website preferred settings and much more. They are listed below:

  • Dashboard: Here you will see the full website charts, statistics, total users, total pages, total messages, total groups, etc.
  • General settings: Here you have the option of setting your website preference like chat settings, upload settings, website maintenance mode, notification settings, user settings, adult image settings, Etc.
  • Site settings: Here you have the option of setting your website title, name, description, site keywords, site email, Api keys and settings, censored words, etc.
  • Site Features: Here you can enable and disable site features like comment approval system, poke system, blog system, etc.
  • Email and Sms settings: Allows you to configure your email settings like server type(SMPT, mail server).
  • Video and audio chat settings: To set your video and audio chat settings.
  • Social login settings: Allows you to enable and disable different social media platform login method.
  • Manage currencies: Here you can add, delete, manage different currencies.
  • Post settings: Here you can manage your social share links, enable/ disable comment reports, post approval, max character length.
  • Post reactions settings: Allows you to manage post reactions like, Like reacton, love reaction, HaHa reaction, etc.
  • Language settings: Here you can add, delete, modify different languages.
  • Manage users: See total users, search users, delete user, view active and inactive users, sort gender (male and female), manage verification badge request.
  • Google Analytics: add, modify google analytics code.
  • Pro system: manage pro members and features.
  • Advertisement settings: Manage user advertisement, site adverts, users ads wallet.
  • Ban user: Ability to ban a user ip address.
  • Design settings: Here allow you to change your site theme, custom site design, site layout, etc.
  • Send Emails: this enables you send emails to your site user.
  • Announcement: create announcement to all your users.
  • Auto friend: automatically make friends with newly registered users.
  • Generate sitemap: to generate you website sitemap.
  • Recaptcha settings: add, modify google reCaptcha codes.
  • Page settings: Add, delete, modify you pages, create custom pages.
  • Manage reports: manage reported accounts from users.
  • Api settings: manage Api server keys, Push notification settings, 3rd party apps, etc.


Front end features

  • Home/ news feed: Here you will see all posts (pictures, videos, articles) made by friends or the people you follow.
  • Timeline: View users posts, pictures, videos, articles on their profile.
  • Likes features: you can like and unlike a post made by a user, and also view other who liked a post.
  • Dislike features: you can Dislike a post made by a user, and also view other who Disliked a post.
  • Comments features: comment on a post, reply comments and view others who made comments.
  • Send Messages: you can send and receive private messages from friends.
  • Groups: You can create groups and invite friends.
  • Pages: You can create a page and invite friends.
  • Jobs: you can create jobs for people and also view available job.
  • Games: You can play free games here.
  • Stories: view stories created by people and also create your own story.
  • Search: You can search for people here by username, names, #hashtags, etc.
  • Last seen: Shows when a user was last seen online.
  • @mentions: used to mention people in a post or message.
  • #hashtags: used to mention or tag people in a post.
  • Profile picture: create/ post your profile image.
  • Cover image: create/ post or update your cover photo.
  • Social login: This feature enables you to login using various famous social media websites.
  • Profile Visit Notification: Get notification when a user visits your profile.
  • Modify posts: You can delete or modify posts made by you.
  • Privacy: who can message you, follow you add to your timeline, friend request, last seen.
  • Friend and follow system: Supports friend and follow system.
  • Change language: Choose your preferred language.
  • Gifts: Get gifts.
  • Reports
  • Activities
  • Blog
  • Events
  • Save posts
  • Offers
  • Funding
  • Emoticons
  • Points
  • Marketplace
  • PhotoAlbum
  • Pokes
  • Share
  • Common things
  • Maps
  • Memories
  • Forums
  • Wallet
  • Advertisement
  • Affiliate
  • Pro packages
  • Family members
  • Subscriptions
  • Developer Api
  • Movies
  • Notifiactions
  • And many more…



The Project theme comes with 2 mods which are day and night. A user can easily choose to a preferred one.


You can sell and offer your services to earn money with various payment methods/ gateways. i.e. Bank transfer, bitcoin, MasterCard, etc.


Start your own business and get paid there are various methods to make money like advertisements, fundings, pro packages, marketplace, etc.


You can make use of third party storages like amazon, google cloud, etc to store images, videos, music etc.


PHP 5.5 or Higher.
GD Library.

Step by step to run the script

In other to run this script you will have an installed local host server on your system like e.g. XAMP.

Open XAMP and start Apache and mySql. After that then follow the steps below:

Step1: Download and extract the file

Step2: After that copy the extracted folder and paste in C:/xampp/htdocs

Step3: Open Your browser (i.e., chrome).

Creating a database

Step4: Go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

Step5: When the page loads click on New on the left hand side.

Step6: Create a database named “Social” and click on create.


After creating a database

Step9: Then Open a your web browser and browse the path. E.g “http://localhost/”


From Admin Panel

From user side

Video tutorial

Watch video below and follow all steps:


File Size

76.4 mb
Last Updated 16 may 2022